Monthly Archives: March 2012

Top 10 reasons why people quit before they succeed in business.


10.  This sh*t is HARD!  –everyday there is another challenge and its never the one you predicted.

9.  The house just gets too dirty.  I’m starting to wonder what my kitchen table looks like.  Maybe I should call up the Hoarding people on TLC.  I might be their next candidate.  Thankfully, all the cat poo is still in the litter box, NOT in my living room.

8.  The baby just doesn’t feed himself, I’m finding.  Even though I gave everyone 3 square meals yesterday, they just keep wanting more.  Jeez.

7.  I hope I’m still married in a year.  Our last date night consisted of the two of us punching holes in hang tags and pinning them on shirts.  Good times.

6.  I really need 3 employees, but right now I can only afford me—-barely.  And, I work another job to be able to do that.

5.  I’m glad I have a thick skin.  You can never take the word “No” personally in the world of sales.  It’s just a word after all.  

4.  Even though I know it’s necessary, especially at first, giving away free stuff gets a little old unless someone else is paying for it.

3.  Even when you want (need!) to take a break from your job, there is this an evil voice constantly playing in your head that says “you’re not working. Get off your ass and generate your next sale.”

2.  Even the highest metabolism can only withstand so many stress-induced binges on organic chocolate chips.  (They really are better than regular. Trust me.)

And the number one reason people quit before they succeed in business is:

1.  Losing every last one of your teeth from the practice of smiling and gritting them at the same time, all while repeating the phrase “Thanks so much just for stopping by!”

Okay, all kidding aside, I’m finding that I really like this stuff.  That’s probably because I have a strong masochistic streak, I’m guessing.  At any rate, this stuff is the definition of the Wobble for me:  The ultimate place of excitement and fear.  Some people get there by jumping out an airplane.  Others, like myself, Embrace other less physically harmful persuits like public speaking.  Whatever floats your boat.  In all honesty, I think I am currently living out the message of my business, Embracing my Wobble and trusting that it will grow me as a person.  If you see my husband, tell him I miss him and I think he’s hot.  

Take care,



Okay, this sleep deprivation has finally pushed me over the edge….


Are you guys over me posting about not getting any sleep?  I am.  I’m not sure what else to do about it other than invite others to be company for my misery, though.  

My poor son has had an ear infection for about a month now.  We are on the third round of antibiotics.   At our last (weekly) Dr. appointment, I asked if he and the rest of his commrades were at all worried about the instance of bacterial resistance to treatment.  He actually shed his everything-is- fine-don’t-worry-about-it-too-much demeanor and leveled with me:  Yes, he said.  We are concerned.  

If this round of drugs does not work, for those of you who might be wondering, we go to antibiotic shots every other day for several rounds.  I’m really looking forward to THAT, let me tell you.  From there, if he’s still all plugged up, my son will be exploring ear tubes with the ENT.   I’m sure the conversation will go something like:

ENT:  Declan, you might need tubes in your ears.  

Declan: How ’bout I just grab your glasses and throw my food in your face instead while I shoot out a massive poo?

So, this week, we are trying all kinds of alternatives to hopefully help the antibiotics do their job. Garlic oil (need to pick that up tomorrow…..), chiropractic adjustment.  Homeopathic ear drops for pain.  Baby Ibuprofen. More dietary changes for Mom.  Adopting several new religions in the hope that Allah, Yahwey, Jesus, Vishnu, and the Buddah can join forces and cure my sons painful ears so we can all just get some &^%()*# sleep!

In case you had any question, the little pooky is still pretty cute.  He’s a big faker during the day.  It’s only at night he seems to turn into Earache Monster.  I’m opting to post the cute picture instead. 

Take care, everyone, and praise whoever you worship for every night of uninterrupted sleep you get!

